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- E23 - How to scroll less: [Reverse-engineer Procrastination]
E23 - How to scroll less: [Reverse-engineer Procrastination]
Attention to mindset and bad mental conclusions.
Hi everyone,
My name is Stephan and this is my story of how I became The Attention Master.
If you find yourself using your phone as a tool for procrastination, then episode 23 is for you. Let's dive in!
Here is what you are going to learn today:
The excuses you use to justify procrastination.
How to reverse-engineer procrastinaton.
The flaws in your mindset.
A quiz to determine your procrastination type(s).

The first app against mindless scrolling that actually works. Available on App Store now!
What if I told you that procrastination is not exclusive to you, lazy people or low performers?
What if I told you that founders and CEOs are even more prone to procrastination than employees?
In fact, we all procrastinate. It’s human nature.
Here’s why:
1. Your brain avoids discomfort
The brain works hard to keep everything in balance. This balance is important for the body to work well. Andrew Huberman says the brain checks how each organ is doing to keep the body healthy. This checking helps control things like heart rate, breathing, and how the body uses energy. By keeping balance, the brain makes sure the body stays stable.
At the same time, our nervous system helps us take a guess on what will happen around us. When things change, for better or worse, it disrupts these guesses and causes us to feel stress.
This reaction is called the Fight-or-Flight response.
It is a natural response in our bodies when we feel threatened or stressed.
When the brain senses danger, adrenaline is released.
This causes the heart to beat faster, breathing to speed up, and makes us more alert.
All of these changes help the body get ready to either face the danger or run away from it.
Guess what: running away is much easier.
Running away from an unpleasant task = procrastination:
"The act of delaying or postponing something."
To sum it up:
Facing an unpleasant task, challenge or change → Discomfort → Brain senses danger → Flight response → Procrastination = Mindless Scrolling
2. Your brain makes you lie to yourself
Since running away is easier than the fight response, your brain tries to convince you with some bull**** excuses that build on top of an actual truth.
For example:
Truth: "I don't have everything I need." → Excuse: "I have to wait until I do."
Truth: "I do not have enough experience to solve the problem. Excuse: "I can't do it without experience.
3. From Flight to Fight
So how do you turn things around?
The answer is: Use procrastination against procrastination.
Reverse-engineer it:
Mindless Scrolling → Excuse for Flight Response → Discomfort → Negative Emotion → Face the Task
Prevent mindless scrolling before it happens with a visual signal (e.g. an app like Lemio)
Ask yourself: Do I really want to be on the phone right now? If not, then:
Use this moment as a trigger to question your justification for procrastinating. Is it true or is it an excuse? If excuse, then:
Ask yourself: What feeling made me feel uncomfortable, run away, and chose Flight over Fight?
Change your unhelpful conclusion to a useful conclusion. (see table* below)
Start doing the task for only 2 minutes. If it flows, continue. If it doesn’t, just stop. If you can’t start, just sit with it and think about it.
*Table: Does any of these excuses sound familiar to you?
Truth | Unhelpful Conclusion | Useful Conclusion |
I am really tired, | so I should rest first | but I can still make a small start right now, and then rest |
I don’t want to do it now, | and I may feel more like doing it tomorrow | but later won’t be any better, so I may as well try to get started |
I will miss out on the fun happening now, | and I can always wait till nothing much is happening | but if I get some of it done, I can reward myself with other fun later |
I don’t have everything I need, | so let’s wait till I do | but I can still try to make a start on some bits of the task |
I have plenty of time, | so I don’t have to start it now | but better to get on top of it now than leave it to the last minute |
I don’t feel inspired, | so I will wait till I do | but if I get started, the inspiration may follow, I can’t just wait around for inspiration to arrive |
I have other things to do, | so I will do it once those things are finished | but they are not more important and can be done after this |
I don’t have enough time to get it all done, | so I will wait till I have a lot of time to do it | but that doesn’t mean I can’t get some of it done now |
I work better under pressure, | so I will wait until the deadline is coming closer | but it is still worth making a start now, because if I leave things too late it can backfire |
4. The Mindset to beat procrastination
You might ask: “Isn’t there an easier way to get to the root of the problem and just make tasks enjoyable to avoid the discomfort?”
Well listened Sherlock, and indeed there is such a way. Unfortunately, it's hard and it's not something you can change in a day.
The thing you need to understand first is this: A task is unpleasant for you when it goes against your mindset.
Your established set of attitudes and beliefs. It’s your way of thinking. It has been built brick by brick over your lifetime, influenced by your personality and experiences.
Whenever you see a task as “unpleasant”, it clashes with your mindset.
Part of your mindset is some false beliefs. When these clash with the nature of a task, it creates the discomfort that causes you to procrastinate.
Depending on your mindset, science has labeled your behavior by defining 6 different procrastination types.
Once you know your procrastination type, you can reverse-engineer again to identify the flaws in your mindset:
Type → Negative Emotions → Task → False Beliefs
Here’s one example for better understanding:
False Belief: “Things should be done my way”.
Task: Your boss gives you a boring task without any context as to why it's important.
Belief conflicts with the nature of the task.
Reaction: “I’m not gonna do it”.
Label for Reaction = Procrastination Type → Here’s a quiz to find out if you are this type ;)
Actionable Steps for You
Take the quiz.
I will email you a report with your results + a Cheatsheet to understand them.
You will need an expert to interpret them and to derive useful, personalized actions from them. That is why Tom, co-founder of Lemio, offers free help through a 20-minute call. Book it HERE, it will change your life.
This knowledge comes at 0 cost
If you learned something,
be generous and share it with friends or family.
See ya next week
Your brain seeks balance.
Discomfort disrupts balance → Your brain tries to avoid discomfort or get rid of it asap.
Discomfort is caused by negative emotions.
Negative emotions such as frustration, anger, fear of failure and disapproval arise when a task conflicts with your mindset.
Other negative emotions perceived as discomfort: loneliness, stress, anxiety, boredom, FOMO… (full list of 158 negative emotions here).
Reverse-engineering procrastination = Turning unhelpful into useful conclusions
Your mindset comes along with some stubborn or persistent "false" beliefs.
A task is uncomfortable for you when it conflicts with these beliefs.
Your procrastination type is the key to eliminating your mindset flaws.
We know that mastering your attention is extremely difficult. It's not going to happen in a day. That's why we've created Lemio, an app designed to be your personal buddy on the journey.
